Do you love the IDEA of being a boater? How long have you fostered the DREAM of being a boater?
Many Carefree inquiries are from people that are comparing the costs of boat ownership to the no-responsibility Boat Club alternative. Making the comparison, it doesn’t take long to realize the purchase of the boat is just the VERY BEGINNING of the actual cost of ownership.
With that in mind, did you see the report about the new bill that is before the Maryland Assembly?
The proposed bill raises the cost of ANNUALLY renewing a boat registration from $12 to as much as $250!!
Now, I am going to avoid (I’m trying hard!) a political rant here, but is there any doubt that government (Federal, State and Municipal) continues to look EVERYWHERE to squeeze more revenue?
Boat owners are just another easy target, the calculation is that no one is going to sell their boat to avoid the exponential increase, but there IS a tipping point…
Check out the article here,0,3309056.story
and call 301.538.4384 or email [email protected] if you want to talk about the Carefree– hassle-free alternative!