Oh, the weather outside is wonderful.
With the changing season comes a return to regular boating, and at Carefree Boat Club we could not be more excited. Whether you’re a first-time boater or a seasoned veteran sailor, we wanted to take a minute to go over a few tips to get you ready to get back to the water.
Do your homework. Have a plan mapped out and be sure to share it with a friend not going on the trip. Even familiar waters can look different after time away, so be sure to make note of landmarks. Also, check weather reports and be aware of high and low tide.
Speaking of weather, there are two things to always remember. First, wear layers. As the temperature changes, you can remove and put on as needed. Second, bring sunscreen. Apply before and regularly reapply during the day. Nothing ruins a trip more than a bad sunburn.
Remember the essentials. Always bring more drinking water than you think you need. Plan on at least two bottles of water per person. But don’t let that water – or the water you’re playing in – ruin the day. Use plastic resealable bags or boat-friendly waterproof and floating containers to keep cell phones, wallets, and particularly your boating license dry and accessible. As a bonus, consider buying a floating keychain for your key ring. Pack the bug spray, and of course, pack a first aid kit and be sure to have appropriately sized life jackets for everyone going on the trip.
A little preparation goes a long way to enjoying your first trips back out on the water. If you’re looking to explore boating without all the extra hassle of boat ownership, be sure to contact us. At Carefree Boat Club we make boating fun, easy and affordable.