Deep Creek Lake, Maryland
Why CBC Deep Creek?
[embedyt] https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=742Y0ACRxmM[/embedyt]
1. Boats Are Expensive
The upfront costs of boat ownership are generally pretty high. We’re talking tens of thousands of dollars, depending on the type of boat you like to use. Today’s ski/wake/surf boats with all the bells and whistles will land you north of $100,000. That’s right. When you join Carefree Boat Club of Deep Creek, you pay a one time initiation fee and monthly dues, which are a fraction of the cost of ownership.
2. Boats Depreciate
Boats depreciate just like cars do, meaning they lose value over time. Boats don’t measure their usage in miles, but in the hours that the engine has been used. The more you use your boat, the more value you take out of it. Of course, when you join the boat club, you don’t have to worry about the boats long-term value. All you have to do is enjoy the fun!
3. You may have heard that BOAT stands for Bust Out Another Thousand
This phrase became popular because boats require a lot of maintenance. If you weren’t daunted by the sticker shock of the cost of a new boat, consider the maintenance costs. Everything is more expensive for a boat because they are generally out in the elements all of the time. The materials used to build a boat must be resistant to salt water and constant exposure, which means they are more expensive. Whether your boat is sitting in a marina or in your backyard, the elements will take their toll and require consistent cleaning and inspection. Also, if you don’t have room for a boat on your own property, you’ll likely be paying a marina or storage yard a monthly fee. Add insurance costs to that and you’ve got some serious financial obligations. When you join Carefree Boat Club of Deep Creek, none of this is your problem.
4. There are many kinds of boats to enjoy
The nice thing about joining Carefree Boat Club of Deep Creek is that you can use different boats for different reasons. Want to spend the day fishing? Take out a pontoon. Wakeboarding? Take out a wakeboard boat. You get the drift. There are so many different ways to enjoy boating—owning a boat limits you to what one vessel is designed for.
5. Boats are idle 98% of the time
The average boater uses his or her boat about 2% of the year. That leaves 98% of the year when the boat is not in use. Twelve months per year of storage, maintenance, and insurance for 30 days of enjoyment? Hmmm.
6. No guilt when you leave the dock
When you own a boat and you don’t use it, you feel guilty. Why? Because you have this huge investment that you love, so why would you do anything else on a summer weekend? Well, there are lots of reasons. There are lots of other fun activities and destinations to enjoy – you might enjoy them less if you’re leaving your boat idle and empty.
Perhaps the biggest benefit of joining Carefree Boat Club of Deep Creek is for people who would never consider boating as a pastime in the first place. The high cost of ownership leaves a lot of people on the sidelines. With boat clubs popping up everywhere, these people can give boating a try. Maybe you have always wanted to watch the sunset on Deep Creek Lake from the water. Maybe you’ll love it and do it again. If not, you’re not committed to anything.
Boat ownership certainly has its pleasures, and many boat owners wouldn’t have it any other way. They like what they like, and they like it the way they like it.
We recognize that our customers have a variety of needs when it comes to their boating lifestyles. That is precisely why we are committed to serving each customer with excellence. From the minute you walk through the door, exceeding your expectations is our top priority. Call or just stop by – you’ll be glad you did.