We hear it everywhere – reasons to go eco-friendly, use green products, save the environment and recycle. But what does it all really mean and why do we need to become more eco-conscious?
Air, water, soil, sunlight, plants and animals – including humans – make up an ecosystem or network. Ecosystems can be as tiny as a patch of dirt in your backyard, or as large as the entire Chesapeake Bay watershed.
At Carefree, we do our part to sustain these ecosystems in various ways. By joining a club, you take part in the ‘Shared Boat Concept’, dividing boat time and resources with 10 other members. In the process, exertion levels harmful materials, fuel, and cleaning products are dramatically reduced, saving our precious waters and ecosystems.
Below are some ways that you can get involved, do your part and become an environmentalist!
Reducing pollution from your yard or neighborhood:
Reduce or eliminate lawn fertilizer use, upgrade older septic systems and decrease nitrogen pollutants by half, pick up dog poop and other animal waste, install rain barrels, build rain gardens in our yards and around our church, school or business parking lots, grow oysters under our pier
Reducing air pollution:
Plant trees, drive fuel-efficient cars, drive fewer miles or carpool.