Several species of whales migrate through Virginia Beach including the Chesapeake Bay over the winter. North Atlantic Right Whales is the largest that you will see off our coast. Right Whales are on the endangered species list with only an estimated 455 left in the world. The Virginia Aquarium & Marine Science Center shared their knowledge about the whales, migration patterns, safe whale watching, whale facts, and how to help the specialists at the aquarium identify and track the endangered right whales.
Because our Carefree Boat Club members boat frequently during the winter fishing and whale watching the Virginia Aquarium & Marine Science Center is super excited about our members being able to help them identify, track and more… There is an app that can be downloaded to iPhone or Android that identifies your location’s coordinates and can even report your sighting.
Even better would be to take a photo(s) and send your location’s coordinates, with time and date to [email protected]
He can use this to identify the whales, patterns, track the right count, make an electronic field guide and so much more!!!
It is truly amazing that we in Virginia Beach have the opportunity to see these magnificent gentle giants. What memories to have!! The presentation above gives an overview of facts, whale watching and how we can make a difference! Boat safety and whale safety are our utmost concern.
Stay tuned for more information about all the species of whales that migrate through Virginia Beach!
If you have any questions, please contact us at 757-851-2202