Anyone who has spent a significant amount of time out on the water has probably considered either purchasing a boat or joining a boat club. On the one hand, owning your own boat conjures up images of endless summer afternoons of freedom and the ability to go where you want, when you want. On the other hand, a boat club membership gives you access to tons of perks that you likely won’t have with private boat ownership. So, how do you choose? Keep reading to find out how purchasing your own boat stacks up against a boat club membership and see which one comes out on top!
Freedom and Flexibility
Most people feel compelled to purchase their own vessel because they imagine lots of time spent out on the water, enjoying ocean breezes wherever the tide may take them. It is true that purchasing a boat allows you tow your ship wherever you like and find water. Unlike a boat club membership, where the boats are shared, you don’t have to make a reservation and hope that your boat is available. However, boat ownership may not offer as much freedom and flexibility as expected when you are tied down to one boat and have to spend both time and money towing your boat to your next vacation destination.
With a boat club, while you do have to make a reservation for your desired boat, you have access to the many boats offered at the marina rather than the one boat that you own. Our boat club memberships also offer reciprocity at our nearly 100 locations throughout North America. Never again deal with the hassle of towing your boat to your next destination, there will be a boat waiting for you at the local marina! When it comes to freedom and flexibility, you can’t beat a boat club membership!
Maintenance, Repairs, Storage, and Other Costs
It is true that purchasing a boat can be costly. However, the costs of boat ownership don’t end when the dealership hands over the title. Purchasing a boat comes with the added costs of consistent maintenance to ensure the vessel is in good condition and unexpected repairs can be costly. Additionally, you have to consider where you will be storing your boat during the off season and the associated costs. There is also insurance, docking fees, and other hidden fees of boat ownership that you may not think about at first.
Luckily, your boat club membership dues cover all of these costs. You will always have access to well-maintained vessels and never have to worry about repairs, storage, or docking fees. Your boat club membership also covers insurance costs and even offers safety classes for members. With a boat club membership, you don’t have to worry about the initial costs to invest in purchasing your own boat and avoid the long-term costs of maintenance and other fees. It’s a win-win!
Amenities and Other Perks
When you purchase your own boat, you obviously get unlimited access to your boat for anything you may enjoy out on the water. From fishing, wakeboarding, waterskiing, and more, your boat is always ready for fun. However, to participate in any of these activities, you have to either purchase or rent additional equipment. Then, you have to worry about storing or returning these items. Also, unless you pay hundreds of thousands of dollars a month to store your ship at an expensive dock, you likely will not have access to any extra perks or amenities.
For those who are members of a boat club, you will get to enjoy all the amenities of your local marina! Also, many marinas offer extra perks such as equipment rentals and additional services. Best of all, this is a one stop shop. You won’t have to fight for a slip at your desired dock and hope that they have the equipment you are looking for. With a boat club membership, get all of your boating adventure needs under one roof and often already included in the costs of your membership. No matter what you are looking for, your boat club is sure to have it!
Conclusion: Boat Clubs Just Make Sense!
On the surface, purchasing your own boat seems like it would be a good investment, especially for those who spend a lot of time on the water. However, when you dive a little deeper, you’ll find that there are many hidden costs of boat ownership. Any former boat owner will be quick to tell you about the hassles of maintenance and storage, and you may soon find that you are spending more time maintaining your boat than enjoying it. Our boat club membership offers a better choice. Consider the freedom, flexibility, convenience, and value of joining a boat club!