Matt and Stacy, two members of the Carefree Boat Club of Wisconsin, went down to Miami for the Orange Bowl to watch the Miami vs. Wisconsin football game. One of the highlights of the trip was when they reserved a Carefree Boat Club Boat in Miami. They have been members for a few years but haven’t tried reserving a boat outside of Milwaukee, Lake Geneva or Delavan until now. Matt and Stacy mentioned it was very easy to make a reservation, the staff at the club was very friendly, helpful and gave wonderful tips on places they should and shouldn’t go. The only cost to them was the fuel they used while on the water. A typical membership comes with unlimited usage of the location you sign up at and 5 opportunities to go boating outside of your home base per the calendar year.
When they got home from their trip, they mentioned they went on and started looking for their next vacation so they can explore another city via the land and water.